Our Mission
To encourage parenting behaviors which lead to a child's secure attachment, confident exploration, and effective communication - building the foundation for future success in school and community.
Our Values
The early years matter most! Support every family! Maximize community systems. Become Ever Better. Honor all with honesty, compassion, and integrity.
Lincoln Parents’ Center programs are available to all families who have children ages birth through three residing in the Lincoln community area. There are no fees to participate in the programs. For more information about enrolling in the programs, call the Lincoln Parents’ Center at (217) 735-4192. A certified Family Support Specialist will contact you.
Personalized home visits by certified Family Support Specialists, trained in child development, help parents understand what to expect in each stage of their child’s development. During these visits, Family Support Specialists share age-appropriate child development information with parents, help them learn to observe their own child, address their parenting concerns, and engage the family in activities that provide meaningful parent-child interaction.
Play and Learn: LPC provides a playgroup that meets twice a month for children birth to age five (pre-kindergarten). Age-appropriate activities, snack, and group time are offered during Play and Learn.
Group Meetings: Parent group meetings provide opportunities to share information about parenting issues and child development. Parents gain new insights, share experiences, and discuss topics of interest to parents with young children.
Parent-child group meetings give parents the opportunity to meet other parents in the community and have fun playing with their family. Parents learn from and support each other, observe their children interacting with other children, and practice parenting skills.
Trained Family Support Specialists conduct periodic screenings of the child’s overall development. Using the Ages and Stages screening tool, the goal is to provide early detection of potential problems to prevent difficulties later in school.
Family Support Specialists
work closely with various local agencies to ensure that families get the services they need beyond the scope of the Lincoln Parents’ Center. Lincoln Parents’ Center uses a mutual referral system with various local agencies to help families access community services. View the resources below!
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Spoonful: Family Fun Games by Age
Spoonful: Family Fun Language and Learning Games
Baby Zone: Baby Development
Baby Zone: Special Needs
Preschool Express
Zero to Three
Winter Coats and Car Seats - Check for Safety
Center on the Social Emotional Foundations of Early Learning
Center on the Developing Child
The Lincoln Parents’ Center has developed a parent resource library that contains books and parenting information on topics such as discipline, child care, potty training, and the importance of reading to your child. The resources are made available to parents through our Center.